Saturday, October 8, 2011 | By: Snickers

"Wall Street Occupy" should read "Seattle Copycat Occupy"

This is my fifth post today and since I started this blog. I guess that only means that my mind is full of thinking capsules that is in need of therapy. Speaking of therapy, tonight I went on a walk to collect my thoughts of the days happenings which have surprised me for a stupor. But in a good way, might I add.

I started thinking about Seattle and the different neighborhoods that lay within this city and then I started thinking about the people that inhabit this city itself. Seattle is a city of copy-cats. What I mean by this is, you know, about those Wall Street riots and marches that happening actually on wall street? Well in Seattle a copy march and riot happened today and this posed a question in my mind.

Why are Seattleites not taking that same energy and putting it into area's of issues and problems that arise here in Seattle? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that Seattleites are giving a helping hand to the brothers and sisters fighting a really good fight in New York City, but why is it that I only see marches that coincide with issues or problems that happen elsewhere? What ever happened to originality?


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