Friday, October 7, 2011 | By: Snickers

Espresso and Hotel Stays

I have spent the last week cleaning hallways and rooms at a historic hotel in Seattle as a part of a work trade job that I'm currently doing. Everyone that I work with do not exactly have the bright brains attached to them and it's beginning to make me feel like I'm in a mental hospital of sorts - this is definitely not work trade at a hostel where the people that come through are smart, both with the books and the street. But you can't have everything that you want or wish on a daily basis, right?

This weekend I'm bartending for two great shows at Wing-it Productions in the University District, which means I'll be making some money this weekend to spend on food, cigarettes and possibly a bottle of wine to last me for a week - on top of getting my Identification Card replacement which costs me $20. Everything will come together! I absolutely love working for this theater because they make me laugh and I get to make drinks for some pretty great customers. I think when I get down to the bay area I should first try and get a bartender job at either a comedy club or a gay bar. That is goal number one.

It is my goal that I make a profit of $1000 from this party that I'm planning at Re-Bar. Which will be a great nestle bundle to head to San Francisco with. Just a few more weeks and I'll be able to purchase my train ticket, secure my work trade spot at a hostel in the bay area and begin living a comfortable life with Dirty Di.

One step at a time - with or without those broken abandoned kittens that keep following me down the street!


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