Friday, October 7, 2011 | By: Snickers

Stepping up to the game and adding spice back to my life

Special note to readers: This is my personal blog, more of a personal journal that my close friends have access to - or anyone else that comes across it.

It's come to my attention that I make one mistake after another and granted I learn from these mistakes, it seems to be clear to me that another one comes fresh out of the water. This is not okay with me to a certain extent - I must learn new things in life to become that wise old gay man, but how much does my patience need to run thin before I reach that goal?

I suppose just a little further!

Obviously Seattle is just not working for me! Oregon didn't work for me, either! Granted I have a ton a connections in New York City - that is simply out of the question because it's further than I'd like to be from my family. I'm seriously looking into relocating to San Francisco - with working at a hostel for six months to gain some insight into where I'd like to live and setup some additional employment!

What a thrill and what a ride this is going to be! I can't wait for November 1st!

The problem is going to be breaking this news to my Seattle friends - whoever they may be - they will be a little heart-broken, but I really don't care. They haven't exactly showed me that they are dead serious about the friendship that they supposedly have with me and I'm done waiting around for them to make the first move.

Seattle is squeezing me tight and I must let loose, spread my wings and see how far I can fly.



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