Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | By: Snickers

Midnight Thoughts

I sit on the corner of 4th and Washington in the International District, right in front of Caffe Vita, because right now there is no internet in the building. The landlord needs to replace the router, which means I gotta rough it out for a few days. I manage. Tonight I bartended and made some good tips, and tomorrow night is another night out in the University District with Wing-it Productions. Whew! What a crazy night. The last couple of days, my inbox has been full of e-mails regarding two shows: New Queer on the Block Comedy Show at Re-Bar on October 27th and BUMP 2011 on October 28th.

Preparing these two events have been the existence of my life the past couple of weeks and with a not-so-good birthday this last weekend, I am looking forward to these events to uplift my spirits. Do I hate my friends for not coming out? Well, no - because I know how busy my friends in Seattle are and I respect the amount of time they put into this community. Did it suck only having one friend arrive to my birthday dinner and no one to drink with my on my birthday on the hill. Yeah, but not enough milk was spilled for me to drop a tear.

I've also been super busy preparing interview questions for the new cast of RuPaul's Drag Race: Season Four and also prepping my arrangements in New York City when I go there in January. All this is keeping me so busy that I miss nights like tonight. Sitting on a corner and in-taking the sounds of the train, rushing cop cars with their sirens blasting in my ear - wandering if it's me there looking for, just because I'm sitting in front of a coffee shop that is closed, stealing their internet because my landlord can't pay her internet bill. Geesh!

The thoughts in my head keep running in and out. Then the homeless walks on by with their bags and canes and that reminds me to be thankful for what I do have. My head starts to spin a bit and that's an indicator that I need to go home, eat some food and pass out to start another day in the morning.



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